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Impact, published from 1977 to 2000, was a New Orleans-based
newspaper that focused on topics of interest to the gay and lesbian community.
We have a section 2 copy from April 1979.
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Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p59 April 1979

Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p60 April 1979

Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p61 April 1979

Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p62 April 1979

Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p63 April 1979

Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p64 April 1979

Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p65 April 1979

Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p66 April 1979

Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p67 April 1979

Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p68 April 1979

Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p69 April 1979

Impact Magazine, New Orleans, Section 2 p70 April 1979

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